I am a tenured Lab Lecturer at the Department of Computer
Engineering and Informatics and a
research associate at the High Performance Information Systems
Laboratory (HPCLab) and the Large-Scale Machine Learning and Cloud Data Engineering (ML@Cloud) Lab, University of
Patras. For over 25 years, I have participated and led a variety of R&D projects with European, national and international funding, focusing on the application and promotion of ICT for the cultural and educational sector. I have received a diploma, an M.Sc. and a
fellowship-awarded Ph.D. from the same department, specializing in knowledge management and discovery on the Web.
Lab Lecturer, 2017-present
CEID, University of Patras
Adjunct Faculty, 2015-present
Hellenic Open University
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-2017
CEID, University of Patras
Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2008 - 2013
CEID, University of Patras
Adjunct Faculty, 2007-2014
Technological Educational Institution of Western Greece
I have been teaching a number of courses at the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Dpt. of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Dpt. of Computer Science in Administration and Economy, Dpt. of Business Planning and Information Systems, Dpt. of Bussiness Administration, ATEI of Western Greece and Business Administration, Hellenic Open University. I have also taught postgraduate courses at the Computer Science and Engineering program and the Informatics for Life Sciences Masters program, joint with the Departments of Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy and Physics. I have supervised several student dissertations and masters theses at the departments above. I have recently finished co-supervising 2 Ph.D. theses on semantic interoperability and the evolution of the Web.
📄 Θέματα Διπλωματικών Εργασιών
📄 Object-οriented Programming (Αντικειμενοστραφής Προγραμματισμός)
📄 Artificial Intelligence (Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη)
📄 Computational Intelligence (Υπολογιστική Νοημοσύνη)
📄 Web Programming and Systems (Προγραμματισμός και Συστήματα στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό)
📄 Applied Information Systems II (Εφαρμοσμένα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα ΙΙ)
📄 Learning Algorithms, postgraduate (Αλγόριθμοι Μάθησης, ΠΜΣ ΕΤΥ)
I have served as general chair, technical chair and steering committee member in many international conferences and workshops, including organizing and/or chairing a session at AIAI2020, the MT4BD special session at IEEE INISTA 2019, IFIP SEDSEAL and IEEE SWARCH-DL. I am a program committee member and reviewer for over 40 international journals and conferences and the editor of the Data Journal special issue on Semantics in the Deep: Semantic Analytics for Big Data and the Semantic Web Journal special issue on Semantic Web and Reasoning for Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries.
I am the recipient of the National Documentation Center (ΕΚΤ) 1st Prize on Applications for Open Data and Repositories for Science & Heritage (Hack@EKT contest, 2015).
Our paper “Subject Classification of Learning Resources Using Word Embeddings and Semantic Thesauri” has received a best paper award at IEEE INISTA 2019.
As of June 2022, our papers “Thesaurus-based Word Embeddings for Automated Biomedical Literature Classification” and “Automated MeSH Indexing of Biomedical Literature Using Contextualized Word Representations” have been included in the Nature Public Health Emergency Collection, under an international Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative.
Our paper “A Review and Implementation of Object Detection Models and Optimizations for Real-time Medical Mask Detection during the COVID-19 Pandemic” has received a best paper award at INISTA 2022.
I am a member of ACM, IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society.