
The Department is structured in 3 Divisions:

Division of Applications and Foundations of Computer Science

The field deals with research and teaching on the one hand with fundamental principles, properties and techniques of Computer Science, and on the other with applications in the most evolving areas of Computer Engineering. More specifically and indicatively, the Department studies the basic mathematical properties of hardware and software, what is possible and what is not possible to calculate, how fast and with how much memory, principles and techniques that govern the design and analysis of algorithms in various computational models the effective development of applications in directions such as Telematics and New Services, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Multimedia Networks, High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. The Department includes the Combinatorial Algorithms, Distributed Systems and Telematics, and Pattern Recognition laboratories.

Director: Sotirios Nikoletseas


Division of Software

The major challenges in computer science and technology, such as the effective utilization of the Internet and the support of the World Wide Web, the evaluation and support of large information systems, the retrieval of information from large databases, the development of intelligent techniques and systems, the communication of human- Computers, the exploitation of new parallel architectures and the efficient solution of complex computing problems arising at the cutting edge of Technology and Science, depend par excellence on the research and development of the cognitive domain of Logic. The aim of the Department is to impart and promote knowledge through high quality teaching and research and to offer laboratory support on topics related to the area of logic. The work of the Department is inextricably linked to that of the other areas of the department but also to all areas of science and technology that need the new computing technologies.

Director: Michalis Xenos

Division of Hardware and Computer Architecture

The rapid development of hardware technology and computer architecture has led to the development of a wide range of systems from personal computers to supercomputers, special purpose signal and image processing systems, telecommunications systems and computer networks. Our department serves the above areas both educationally and research-wise. Its goal is to prepare engineers capable of working efficiently both in Greece and in any other country. Also, our field provides all the necessary supplies so that today’s graduates can not only follow but also participate in the future developments of the above scientific areas. With high-level teaching, organization of courses and workshops and modern laboratory equipment, we try to maximize the efficiency of the educational process so that our students have the time to deal with their general culture as well. This will have the effect of creating individuals with complete personality, integrity of character, ecological consciousness and humanitarian ideals.

Director: Haridimos Vergos

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